Year: 2022

Showing Time :))

Task Description:

For this task I had to use an app to put down the times that were shown on the slides! I had lots of fun playing with the clock and doing different times. I hope you will enjoy looking at my work.

Time and Dates :)

Task Description

For this task I had to answer questions about time and dates using my prior knowledge! I hope you can learn something from my work :))

Water for Everyone!

Task Description:

For this task we had to read different texts and write down the problem, the actions that were taken and the outcome or what effect it had on the problem. I hope you can learn something from my writing :)))

3 Things I learnt during the Life Education Session with Harold the Giraffe

Task Description 

For this task I had to write down what I learnt during the educational session with Harold the Giraffe. I had lots of fun during this session! I hope you will enjoy reading my writing.

Why Teachers Should Be Appreciated More!

I did this presentation not for fun but for a purpose. You might not notice but I bet most teachers can relate to this not in a good way though. This presentation is directed to students who don’t like their teacher, don’t focus and don’t listen. Even if you don’t do any of these things you could easily learn from all of this.


Statistical Investigation

Task Description:

This week, our task was to gather information on a certain topic and use google sheets to create a graph. We asked different people in Room 5 what their favourite subject was and wrote it down on a google sheet! After that we made the words on the google sheet into a graph.