Month: February 2024

Explanation Writing. – How our world has changed over the years

Task Description

Our writing prompt this week required us to create a piece of writing focused on providing explanations. Explanation writing, as the name suggests, involves conveying the process of a particular subject matter. This type of writing aims to answer the ‘how’ questions we may have, such as ‘How to assemble a piece of furniture’ or ‘How technology has evolved over time.’ Furthermore, you need to include supporting information to reinforce one’s arguments, as demonstrated in the following piece of writing.


How Our World has Changed Overtime.

Throughout the course of history, the world has undergone miraculous changes that have left many of today’s children wondering what life was like in the past without phones, cars, Chromebooks, etc. To shed some light on this topic, let’s compare life today to life in the past and observe just how much the world has transformed over time.

How was school life before compared to now?

First, we can start off with a comparison between using chromebooks and traditional book writing. Many teachers can probably recall having to write 50-page essays on random topics such as trees or flowers that you didn’t even know existed making writing quite a complicated task back in the day. Nowadays, students have the luxury of searching for information online, copying and pasting it onto a document, and calling it a “ good piece of writing”. These types of things truly make me wonder if teachers truly despised children during those times.

How teaching/teachers have changed throughout the years

In the past, teaching was considered a much simpler task, at least for teachers. They were not required to constantly monitor each student, worrying about them running away or getting distracted due to the lack of devices. Back then, students had their own desks and books, which made it easier for teachers to keep track of their progress and provide them with the necessary guidance. However, nowadays the situation is completely different. With the new modern devices being created, students are always on chromebooks, tablets, and other devices that easily distract them from their learning due to being able to access games online, unlike when people used books back then, which now poses a challenge for teachers.

More into this topic, the world has become more connected, and people can easily travel across borders with a proper passport. Parents nowadays seek safe education for their children, which sometimes involves traveling to a different country. This can be a challenge for teachers as they have to deal with students from diverse backgrounds who might not be fluent in the English language, which is most of the time, the main language of instruction in many countries. This language barrier can make it difficult for teachers to communicate properly with students and ensure their success in the classroom which shows how much easier teaching was before.

How much access did people back then have to the things we have today?

If we take a trip down memory lane, we can observe how much harder people had to work in the past to achieve things that we can now easily access online. For instance, if we consider countries, there was a time when New Zealand, Samoa, China, Tonga, and even Russia did not exist. However, people discovered and brought them to life. This also applies to planets, plants, animals, hidden artifacts, and buildings, all of which were discovered by humans in the past. Nowadays, we can simply open a device and search about a country, and we will immediately have access to information that people in the past had to travel seas and mountains to achieve. This contrast between the past and present highlights how different life was back then.

Before devices existed, children had to write in books and punish their hands for who knows how long. They also had to read countless books to gather the information they needed, and alongside that, they also had to get creative with their presentations, such as using drawings or real-life examples. For instance, in the past, children would bring trees to show an example of how to grow them. Nowadays, we can simply upload a video onto a slide and be finished. This goes to show that some children and even parents nowadays do not fully understand the true meaning of “working hard.”

Now you know how much our world has transformed over the years! It’s amazing to see how much progress our world has achieved over the years. It makes me appreciate the hard work that people in previous generations put in to make our lives easier. Our world has gone through a brilliant transformation to get to where we are today. This fills me with a sense of gratitude towards our ancestors and also gives me hope for future generations.

-Zurielle 🙂