Persuasive Writing :))

Task Description:

For this task we had to pick any topic of our choice and write a persuasive writing to try and persuade somebody to believe/side with us. My topic was Social media is the reason why people suffer from mental disorders. I was very confident that I would be able to deliver this topic well :))

Here is my writing


Persuasive Writing

Social media is the reason why people suffer from mental disorders.

How would you feel not being able to embrace your own self? Or having other people control your body without your consent. It would be horrible.

As you can see on social media, there is a lot of cyber bullying. Most of the time people only see the positives about social media and not the negativity it could bring to somebody’s life.

I am writing this to persuade you to not only be more careful on social media, but to embrace your natural self, you do not need to be like anybody else in this world to be perfect.

Firstly, as I mentioned before, cyber bullying. You might think that real life bullying is worse than online bullying because you can get physically hurt but some people do not realise how much words can affect someone, especially children.

These ‘harmless’ words can cause kids to fall into depression, get anxiety or even commit suicide, this is what words do to us.

Secondly, the image that people portray online. As you know, there are many people who put on filters, wear revealing clothes to show their bodies off to people and have the most CRAZIEST diets. People start to believe that these people actually look like that beautiful person that they appear to be when in reality they are just like the rest of us but of course, nobody knows that.

These types of videos cause people to grow insecure about themselves so they start to follow in that person’s path. They start to wear lipstick. Not enough. They start to wear light makeup and eat a little less than usual. Still, not enough. They start to wear millions of layers of makeup, wear the most revealing clothes and eat one small meal a day. Still, not enough. So they get plastic surgery, eat close to nothing and wear the most revealing clothes ever. This is what social media does to us, how much it affects us.

We slowly start to lose ourselves and want to be like other people, but once we realise, it’s too late, so the only way to get rid of all the pain is to leave the world. Do you think we all wanted this option? No, of course not, but we slowly get brainwashed by what we see online.

And last but not least, jealousy. This one really doesn’t affect us but more, the people around us. We sometimes go online and see things like people dancing, singing, playing video games, etc which leads to us being jealous of them. But what do we do? No we don’t ignore it like we should but instead try to make us feel good by putting down others. We say horrible things without realising how much of an impact our words might’ve had on other people because we didn’t think much of it. These words could cause the other person to suffer from the things I had mentioned before, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, insecurity etc.

Even once we realise we have caused these things for these innocent people we don’t stop. We are stubborn and just want to make ourselves feel good about the things we have done without giving a single care in the world about what others are going through, which is horrible.

Somebody once told me that committing suicide is bad but making somebody else commit suicide, getting rid of all of their options of living so that they only have the last option left, which is to leave the world, is the worst thing somebody could ever do and experience.

So in conclusion, we should accept ourselves as we are and not follow what we see on social media but instead be ourselves! Because our uniqueness is what makes us who we are.

The End :))


3 thoughts on “Persuasive Writing :))

  1. Hi Zuri! I really think that you understood what to do and took your writing to the next level. I think that you are a really talented writer and a creative mind. I think that your writing is on point, from my perspective I really don’t think there is anything you need to work on! :))

    From Liana :))

  2. Hey Zurielle! A great persuasive piece of writing. I agree that we need to be ourselves at all times and not be influenced by anyone. If we ignore others and have a strong will power, we can do anything we like and not get side tracked by few online posts.

  3. Hi Zurielle, that is a very long piece of writing which is filled with a lot of facts! You really opened my eyes with this post, after all, it is the point of persuasive writing. I agree with everything in this post, especially when we should embrace ourselves and be who we are and not do crazy and nasty things.

    Ka pai Zurielle!

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